Tuesday, March 5, 2013

TV Crushes

Spock, Kirk, Bones
Nick Jonas
With the exception of "Star Trek" where I crushed on Bones, Spock and Kirk; I've always known exactly which character I was attracted to.  With "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" it was Giles, with "Jonas" it was Nick and so on.  But since I've started watching "The Vampire Diaries", its become impossible  to pick just one man.
Rupert Giles

First up, we meet Stefan, who is so adorable.  He's the guy we all want because he's protective, caring and handsome.  When I watch him on the show, I always think he's the one I'd want as my boyfriend plus he's make a much better Edward than Robert Pattinson did.  The only problem with the adorable and selfless Stefan is that after awhile he gets kinda boring and you just are kinda over it.  

Once you've met Stefan, they immediately give you his exact opposite in the form of bad boy, Damon.  Damon is just plain attractive.  He's also protective and caring but selfish at the same time.  And as soon as he came on the scene, I completely ditched Stefan and went straight to Damon.  If only I'd known how much more complicated this was gonna become.  

The next male character that caught my eye was Alaric Saltzman, the history teacher/vampire hunter.  He is just the all around good guy with a little danger mixed in.  He's currently the front runner for me but probably just because he's not in love with Elena like Damon and Stefan but also just because his character reminds me of Giles which definitely puts points in his corner.  His only downfall is he broke Reese Witherspoon's heart in "Legally Blonde" which comes to mind sometimes when I look at him haha.

Last but not least is Elijah.  He is an original vampire but he's the one with dignity and he follows a code of honor.  He's chivalrous and keeps his word but is always quick to make sure its worded very carefully because he will save himself when necessary.  His problem is that he's just not on the show enough to fully grasp my affections, however when "The Originals  premieres this may be a different story.  
Ugh, just writing this has me all turned around again lol.  There's just too many eligible bachelors on "Vampire Diaries" but I'm still stuck on Alaric for now.  What about you ladies or gents...who're your favorite guys or gals to fall for on this or any TV series?  

PS:  I really do want y'all to interact with me :)