Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I am Mariah?

Today, I listened to the deluxe edition of Mariah Carey's latest album and took notes while I took in each track.  It's been six years since we got an album from Miss Carey and I have to admit I feel a little let down by this newest effort.  This album does have high points where it feels like a great Mariah album but other songs are just kinda confusing let downs.  One of the things I have always enjoyed about Mariah Carey, beside her obvious talent, is the lyrics in her songs.  They always speak to me but on "I am Mariah" there's just some songs that don't make a lot of sense. 
What tracks would I recommend off the album?  "Beautiful" is an obvious favorite and a great summer song.  "You Don't Know What To Do" begins as just another power ballad but then turns into a fun catchy song that will get you dancing along with a catchy hook.  "Make It Look Good" is one of the tracks that I enjoy because it just feels like classic Mariah to me.  "Meteorite" is nothing special but it is definitely a fun song that gives the listener a break from the slow ballads, which are plentiful.  My favorite of the ballad songs include "You're Mine" and the one I enjoyed most, "Camouflage."  Out of 17 songs, I found 6 that really stood out but also make me glad I listened on Spotify and the I didn't download the whole album. 
I am not a music critic by any means but I enjoy evaluating the artists that I enjoy when they give us new material.  So, y'all let me know...Do you agree? 

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