Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscars 2013

So, I won't even many things happened that made me happy and it's not even over yet!  First off, William Shatner brought back Captain James T. Kirk.  Yes, this part should be on my Star Trek blog but ... not this time.  I have literally waited 10+ years, since I saw Generations for Shatner to don the Starfleet uniform and it was everything I've hoped.  Now, being the big dreamer I am...I hope this might mean that we may see the original Captain Kirk again :).

Next up...the Avengers on stage together!  I don't really have much to say about this other than...I loved it and cannot wait for more Avengers movies!  Iron Man 3 can't get here fast enough!

I'm aware that this isn't much of a blog post but really I just wanna share my excitement.  There were so many Star Trek actors appearing and the Jaws theme cutting off a speech...epic!  Next moment that I loved most and last because I stopped watching, Catherine Zeta-Jones performing All That Jazz blew my mind.  I was so obsessed with Chicago that I learned all the moves to her songs in the film and it was just such a great ride down memory lane.  Plus, she looks so great!

That's it, y'all!  These were my highlights from what I saw or was told about from Oscars 2013.  Let me know what your favorite moments were.  I know a friend who would say Joseph Gordon Levitt was the best part of the night ;)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Vampire Diaries

I just started "The Vampire Diaries" last night and initially thought it was very much like Twilight with the brooding/creepy stalker vamp and his human girlfriend. 

What I've discovered is that this show is so much like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and also its awesome.  So basic breakdown, Stefan is clearly Angel.  He's the brooding vampire with someone making him miserable, with Angel it was the curse with Stefan, his brother.  Also, he refuses to feed on humans which is more like Edward but let's be honest Edward might as well be Angel.

Next up is the brother, Damon.  He is clearly a representative of Spike.  He's the dangerous one who may later love the girl but right now just wants to kill, get the girls and always has a mission.  He brings trouble to the group constantly which is basically all Spike ever did, besides being drop dead gorgeous.  His attitude towards Caroline and the way he uses her is exactly like the way Spike used Harmony in the fourth season of Buffy.  Also, the brothers having rings is a clear pan back to the episode of Buffy in season 4 when Spike digs through most of Sunnydale to get the ring to let him enjoy the sunshine once more.

Next up on my list is Bonnie, the witch, which is a representative of Buffy's best friend, Willow, also a witch. So far Elena is clearly not Buffy in the sense that she slays demons at night with the help of her watcher, Giles but she is a strong female character unlike Bella which brings this show even further away from Twilight.  I'm sad I've waited so long to get involved in this awesome show.  
The last similarity is a bit of a spoiler for both shows, so I've saved it till the end.  Alaric, the history teacher is on a path for revenge against Damon who killed/changed his wife and is his only reason to be in the town.  He's a normal guy who could take care of himself in a fight with vampires.  Well, he's exactly like Principal Robin Wood on Buffy, whose only reason to be in Sunnydale was to exact revenge on Spike for killing his mother.  
Now, these comparisons aside, I love this show and almost more because of how many Buffy memories it brings back.  Y'all should check it out!  Am I crazy?  Or can other fans of both shows realize the same things?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard

Live Free or Die Hard was pretty darn spectacular if you ask me but the newest installment really falls short of expectations.  In Live Free or Die Hard, we watched as Bruce Willis dragged along a scared Justin Long in an attempt to stop a computer genius from shutting down the countries resources.  I guess they thought Willis needed someone else again but this time it was his son, who has not been mentioned for most of the Die Hard series.  Well, the son is certainly not scared but somewhat of a macho man himself.  Problem is, the kid can't act and that takes away from what could have been great father/son banter in the film.  The action scenes in this one were slightly hoaky too like in the Expendables films, which works for those movies but not for the great John McClane series.  I think if this had been its own action movie it would have been excellent but once you put it in comparison with the other films, it just doesn't even come close.

I have only listed the negatives of the film but there was one good thing.  We still get to watch Bruce Willis spit out great one liners and kick some Russian ass.  Rumors are spreading that there will in fact be a sixth installment to the Die Hard series and I hope they take things more seriously next time around.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Jurassic Park 4

Speaking of Jurassic Park, I'd like to take a second to discuss the new film.  So, what direction will they go in for another JP film?  Will we see old characters brought back to the islands, dinosaurs brought to the states, or new characters brought to the islands?  I honestly have no clue and no real guesses on the matter but I do have some legitimate fears, well one fear.

If they go the direction of new characters, will they bring in an original to help them out?  Someone put in place to pass the torch.  I'm ok with this idea as long as the mentor character isn't killed off.  Well, that's not completely true.  If Ian Malcom is brought in, I don't really care about the outcome and look forward to whatever happens.  But if Alan Grant is brought in, he better not be killed off.  In all honesty, though, there's not conceivable reason any of the original characters would get back on those islands.  So, the only way they could really be involved is if someone brought the dinosaurs to America and somehow the old guys got wrangled in.
Anyway, this is mostly just ranting out of the frustration of not knowing and being burnt by so many other revivals of other beloved series.  Let me know what y'all think of all these ideas...

Valentine's Day and Recurring Dreams

I saw Jurassic Park 3 when I was 12 years old with my best friend.  I fell completely in love with Sam Neill at the time, not that I don't still find him attractive now.  The following Valentine's Day, night I guess you could say, I had the first of a three year run of recurring dreams about Jurassic Park, each one taking place on Valentine's Day.

The dream began with the entrance to Jurassic Park with Sam Neill and some other characters from the film and it took the next three years, yes only three nights out of that time period, for us to escape.  Each time, the dream would start back at the beginning and go further until we had escaped and celebrated the victory.  In these dreams, Alan Grant (Sam Neill) was my boyfriend so in essence he was my Valentine for three consecutive years until we escaped the park and I haven't dreamnt about dinosaurs since.  The details of the dream are foggy since I am now 23 and haven't had the dreams for almost 10 years but I'll always remember getting out of the park and hugging Dr. Grant with all my might.
Now you might be asking, why is this girl sharing this?  No reason really, other than Valentine's Day is days away and every year I remember those three nights in Jurassic Park and it puts a little smile on my face.  Anyone else ever had a recurring dream like this?