Monday, February 11, 2013

Jurassic Park 4

Speaking of Jurassic Park, I'd like to take a second to discuss the new film.  So, what direction will they go in for another JP film?  Will we see old characters brought back to the islands, dinosaurs brought to the states, or new characters brought to the islands?  I honestly have no clue and no real guesses on the matter but I do have some legitimate fears, well one fear.

If they go the direction of new characters, will they bring in an original to help them out?  Someone put in place to pass the torch.  I'm ok with this idea as long as the mentor character isn't killed off.  Well, that's not completely true.  If Ian Malcom is brought in, I don't really care about the outcome and look forward to whatever happens.  But if Alan Grant is brought in, he better not be killed off.  In all honesty, though, there's not conceivable reason any of the original characters would get back on those islands.  So, the only way they could really be involved is if someone brought the dinosaurs to America and somehow the old guys got wrangled in.
Anyway, this is mostly just ranting out of the frustration of not knowing and being burnt by so many other revivals of other beloved series.  Let me know what y'all think of all these ideas...

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