Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day and Recurring Dreams

I saw Jurassic Park 3 when I was 12 years old with my best friend.  I fell completely in love with Sam Neill at the time, not that I don't still find him attractive now.  The following Valentine's Day, night I guess you could say, I had the first of a three year run of recurring dreams about Jurassic Park, each one taking place on Valentine's Day.

The dream began with the entrance to Jurassic Park with Sam Neill and some other characters from the film and it took the next three years, yes only three nights out of that time period, for us to escape.  Each time, the dream would start back at the beginning and go further until we had escaped and celebrated the victory.  In these dreams, Alan Grant (Sam Neill) was my boyfriend so in essence he was my Valentine for three consecutive years until we escaped the park and I haven't dreamnt about dinosaurs since.  The details of the dream are foggy since I am now 23 and haven't had the dreams for almost 10 years but I'll always remember getting out of the park and hugging Dr. Grant with all my might.
Now you might be asking, why is this girl sharing this?  No reason really, other than Valentine's Day is days away and every year I remember those three nights in Jurassic Park and it puts a little smile on my face.  Anyone else ever had a recurring dream like this?

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