Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscars 2013

So, I won't even many things happened that made me happy and it's not even over yet!  First off, William Shatner brought back Captain James T. Kirk.  Yes, this part should be on my Star Trek blog but ... not this time.  I have literally waited 10+ years, since I saw Generations for Shatner to don the Starfleet uniform and it was everything I've hoped.  Now, being the big dreamer I am...I hope this might mean that we may see the original Captain Kirk again :).

Next up...the Avengers on stage together!  I don't really have much to say about this other than...I loved it and cannot wait for more Avengers movies!  Iron Man 3 can't get here fast enough!

I'm aware that this isn't much of a blog post but really I just wanna share my excitement.  There were so many Star Trek actors appearing and the Jaws theme cutting off a speech...epic!  Next moment that I loved most and last because I stopped watching, Catherine Zeta-Jones performing All That Jazz blew my mind.  I was so obsessed with Chicago that I learned all the moves to her songs in the film and it was just such a great ride down memory lane.  Plus, she looks so great!

That's it, y'all!  These were my highlights from what I saw or was told about from Oscars 2013.  Let me know what your favorite moments were.  I know a friend who would say Joseph Gordon Levitt was the best part of the night ;)

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