Thursday, April 3, 2014

Jurassic World

I touched on this film before we knew any details in a previous blog but now it's really time to start the discussion.  Let's get started with the confirmed cast members and work our way through.  We have Chris Pratt, Jake Johnson, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio and B D Wong.  I'm really only familiar with Jake Johnson from 'New Girl' and Vincent D'Onforio from his work in 'Men In Black' and 'Law in Order: Criminal Intent'.  I'm assuming Jake Johnson will provide our comic relief while Pratt will be our hero and Howard is our leading lady.  D'Onofrio may be a bad guy but we don't know much of anything yet.  B D Wong was a scientist in the original picture and will be the only returning cast member. 

My first question for my audience is "Don't we all want to see at least one of our leading men back with the dinosaurs?"  I'd prefer Sam Neill as Alan Grant but Jeff Goldblum could be our link also.  The makers of the newer Star Trek film franchise chose wisely in using Leonard Nimoy as Spock Prime to bridge the gap between original fans and people would become fans.  Fandom's need something to tie things together so they can accept the new story and characters.  Obviously, no one wants something cheap where our hero returns just to be killed off or a quick cameo but Alan Grant or Ian Malcom would go back on the island to help these new kids, I believe they both have an eternal fascination with the live dinosaurs.  Neill himself has said that Grant has a "ghastly fascination" and a "love-hate relationship" with the island.  Thanks to @JP4needsSamNeill for that info.  But the director Colin Trevorrow has said it's not going to happen and was quoted saying, ""I know a lot of fans want to see the original characters back." Trevorrow said. "They're iconic. But I respect those actors too much to shoehorn them into this story for my own sentimental reasons. Jurassic Park isn't about the bad luck of three people who keep getting thrown into the same situation. The only reason they'd go back to that island is if the screenwriters contrived a reason for them to go."  What do we say to that Jurassic Park fans?

We don't know much about the plot for the new film but we do know they will be shooting in the same locations as the original film and that B D Wong will have a much larger role genetically engineering the dinosaurs.  I don't think it'll be a remake but from what I've learned it seems like a reinvention of the original film.  Thoughts?

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