Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Who is Tom Keen? Blacklist 1x19

Last night's episode of "The Blacklist" raised the stakes with Lizzie and Tom.  Our criminal was a repeat offender from the pilot episode but that wasn't the part of the show that I'm concerned with.  The show spends the entire beginning showing us just how "bad" Tom Keen is but then at the end we get yet another twist in the Tom Bond Saga.
Reddington has fed Lizzie with the information that her husband was dangerous and for the longest time she wouldn't listen but in the last few episodes she's realized he's up to something.  Two weeks ago, she investigated him but this week, Tom caught on to the fact that she knew and immediately requested to be pulled out.  Reddington used the bad guys of the week to pull Tom back out and give him to Lizzie, which brought the tensest scene of the night.  Liz interrogated Tom, even breaking his thumb, but got nothing.  With the broken thumb, he escaped and they fought.  He made her handcuff herself to the stair rail.  This is when the twist came about, he told Liz that he was never going to hurt her, that he was one of the good guys, and the Red was the danger.  Tom then instructed her to take the key she had found in the previous episode and use it to open a safety deposit box, then he left.  We don't know what's inside the box yet.
My question is, who's bad?  Is Reddington really the threat?  It's obvious he cares for Liz but maybe he has a hidden agenda.  Do we believe Tom?  Tom's lied multiple times but it's hard not the think that he also cares for Liz.  The new craze last night was Team Red or Team Tom.  I don't know which team to be on yet but I do know that I was ready to hate Tom and now I'm not so sure what I should think.  What did y'all think of last night's twist? 

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